The Garden of Earthly Wisdom
"Life is a garden, not a road. We enter and exit through the same gate. Wandering, where we go matters less than what we notice." [Kurt Vonnegut] Welcome to our home garden. If you're here, surely you know how highly I regard my intimate relationship with Mother Nature, but this is not a garden for plants. In the Living One garden grows wisdom, and its been collected from all the noticing that's happened as I've ambled through my own garden of life. And now, you're here, right on time for the harvest. The collection of Lessons on Living are stories in which I share some of the most precious tidbits of wisdom I've gathered along the way, and gathering still, that have proved most helpful as I practice what it means to be alive – as a woman, a mother, a teacher, a founder, an artist – and I'm honored to share them with you. Perhaps they'll support you, too, on your own wander through life. Pull up a chair in the garden, prepare your senses, and sit with me while we storytell.